Friday, October 5, 2018

Team Anti-Kavanaugh

With Trump's new nominee, Brett Kavanaugh for Supreme Court, there have been large and countless outcries from the many people who are against this nomination. Not from just your average citizens, but by many educated law professors. On October 3rd, 2018, The Senate Should Not Confirm Kavanaugh, was posted on the New York Times and signed by over 1,700+ different law professors who disagree with the nomination of Kavanaugh. This letter was written to be presented to the United States Senate on October 4th, 2018 in hopes to offset the possible outcome of Kavanaugh becoming part of the Supreme Court. 

The letter begins by stating a key quality judges should have in order to carry out their work fairly and without bias, judicial temperament. The authors tend to point out frequently that Kavanaugh is very much lacking in judicial temperament due to his aggressive and partisan remarks towards any questioner. They point out that because of Kavanaughs aggressive and partisan behavior, he would not be fit to judge at such a level. 
Furthermore, the authors wrap up the letter on a strong note, stating how they could go on and on with Kavanaugh's false qualities. But more importantly that these many law professors, and counting, are united in their negative thoughts regarding him. 

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