Friday, October 19, 2018

Children in Cages

Ever since the election of Trump back in November of 2016, immigration has been a rather touchy subject for many politicians as well as journalists. Globe Staff member, Suzanne Kreiter posted an article on the Boston Globe titled, The local face of Trump’s campaign against migrant children, regarding the issue of immigrant families forcefully being separated at our borders.

Kreiter begins the article with addressing the obvious issue at hand, all the immigrant children under United States custody. Followed by the fact that this situation has gotten nothing but worse in the past year. Stating how the Trump Administration have been wanting to "revamp" the immigration policies once again. Making it so that the process of releasing a child takes a longer and much more complicated time. Ultimately leading to Kreiter's next powerful point, how the total number of children under US custody has risen from 2,400 children as of May 2017, to approximately 13,300 children as of October 2nd of this year.

Moving on from statistics, Kreiter continues her article with the story of a mother and her son who have been badly affected by our "cruel" immigration policy. A mother named Evelyn who moved to Massachusetts from El Salvador, her 11 year old son came afterward and was taken to a government-contracted shelter in Corpus Christi, TX.

Immigration in the United States has clearly been an ongoing issue for quite a while now. Kreiter's article is a good read for those who wish to support the immigrant families who are still today being separated due to our strict and flawed immigration policy.

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